Looking for a Fundraising Coordinator
** Update: Coordinator Found. We are always interested in additional help so please feel free to reach out
Hello Fellow Alumni,
Your Alumni Association Foundation is looking for an individual that could take on the role of Fundraiser.
In the BlueBook under B. The Alumni Association Foundation, Supplementary Letters Patent, The Foundation was
created under the Corporations Act. There are a total of 8 objectives—all very important—the first three are:
- To offer continuing assistance to all aspects of the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture, and in
particular, enhancing the education, quality and scope, to indulge in research. - To serve the purpose of all horticultural education by means of scholarships, bursaries, special grants, and research.
- For the further attainment of the above objects, to acquire, accept, solicit or receive, by purchase, lease, contract,
donation, legacy, gift, grant, bequest or otherwise, any kind of real or personal property, and to enter into and carry
out agreements, contracts and undertakings incidental thereto.
We are seeking an individual to join our Alumni Association Foundation team to identify potential sponsors/volunteers
and event donors, to secure their support, and to plan fundraising initiatives to help the Alumni Association Foundation
meet financial goals. The individual will help us grow and understand our potential donors. They will encourage new
and existing donors to aid us in our goal of improving the lives of students and graduates of the school of horticulture.
And the individual will work on a close-knit, enthusiastic team to meet and exceed fundraising goals.